Eskolako bibliotekan Jose Carlo apirileko irakurlerik nagusiena izan zela jakin genuenean oso pozik egon ginen.
Aspalditik ez dator Andrearekin, bere auziliarrarekin, eta gure bakar-bakarrik etortzen da ia egunero, holan izan zen ere apirilean, oporretan salbu, egunero etorri baitzen gure liburutegira.
Arantzazuk, bere etxetik ekarritako liburu bat oparitu zion.
Zorionak, Jose Carlo!.
Most of the parents are feeling very restless during the summer vacation of children. While reading this blog, I learned about Jose Carlo who was the main reader in April and she comes to the house almost every day. Because of her children will get some knowledge apart from the studies. This blog is very useful. Thanks for sharing. Along with this article, I would like to share some important facts about the hammerhead sharks habitat which were a group of sharks that form the family sphyrnidae.